Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cravings of the Heart....

I am losing control,
And I'm scared stiff,
I am so frightened,
Always in a miff.

I fight in the darkness,
And struggle with Silence,
I've concealed my true self,
It lures me to violence.

Dark is my existence
Waiting for the light,
Praying for acceptance,
Something to bring delight.

I need care and support.
I crave for a friend,
Someone who is always there,
Someone of the same bend.

Come free me from this prison,
Only you can release me.
Help me get rid off these feelings,
These feelings trying to devour me....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

From the keyboard of a Bookworm.

"You always carry a book when you travel. You are possessive for your books. You hate when someone interrupts you while reading. And above all you hate writing in books."

If the above lines apply to you welcome to the the "Bookworm Community". Bookworm is a tag which is often confused with studious looking guys with nerdy glasses sitting on the first bench of the class. It is sad that such pathetic people who slog hard and mug up course books just to score marks earn this tag so easily. People whose worlds are confined to the curriculum prescribed by the school, board or the educational authority. On the contrary true "Bookworms" are imaginative  and knowledgeable people for whom education isn't limited to school or degree courses.
A bookworm doesn't memorize a book; he understands it. Reading books is a captivating habit in itself. It is a mesmerising experience as well as a recreational cum educational activity.

With the advent of computers the population of bookworms is decreasing alarmingly. Who would read a dull black and white book when you have the options of all the 3D games available? When I was a kid I used to buy paperback/hardback copies of books and those were my prized possessions. Nowadays a self-proclaimed Bookworm like myself has to compromise with the easily available eBooks. But take my word reading an eBook will never provide the exultation which reading a hard copy of a book provides you with.

Some say they like fiction, some say they like drama, some like biographies, some like travel books, but a "Bookworm" doesn't have a genre. He'll read anything that comes his way. I don't exactly remember which was the first book I read but I've always enjoyed reading books. Whenever I am in a false mood I pick up a book to release the pressure. "Books are your best friend" and I completely agree to this. I am proud to be a "Bookworm"!!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Journey: From strangers to friends..........

I've crossed paths with a lot of people but very few have made an impact on my life. Whether by "strange coincidence" or by "divine intervention" I met you. From the first meeting, the silly fights, the bitter clashes and amidst all altercations to a friendship for a lifetime, it's been one hell of a journey. I don't know when the seed of our friendship was sown but it has surely grown with the smiles that touch the heart, the shared secrets, memories, and the long chats. Isn't it amazing how we have grown from being strangers to what we are today "Perfect friends"!

The journey of our teenage was exciting as we matched our steps together from my naughty pranks to your grown-up-advice. My heart is filled with precious memories of the times spent with you and those memories of joy and little surprises never fail to bring a smile to my face. Everyone should have a friend like you, but so far it looks like you are one of a kind!You are a person who is fun to be with, a person who could crack me up with laughter, someone who could touch my heart with kindness.You have a wonderful ability to know when to offer advice and when to sit in quiet support.
Time after time you've come to my rescue and brightened so many of my off days.You are a source of joy & inspiration and I will forever be indebted to you for being there and being too good too be true! As life takes a different turn, we both have different dreams and different troubles, but it's the memories of the times gone by, that always bring a twinkle to my eye.
Our friendship has indeed come a long way. If I could catch a rainbow today, I'd do it just for you to share with you it's beauty on the days you're feeling blue.If I could take all your troubles, I'd  take them right now and toss them in the sea. But these things are impossible. I can neither catch a rainbow nor take your troubles but let me be what I know best; a friend that's always there. I want to be with you forever.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Last Thread:-HOPE!

There are some dreams,
There are some tears.
The dreams are mine,
And so are the tears.

I don't want to forget,
I don't want  to regret.
I want to learn to cope,
I want to learn to hope.

Agony of the Heart...

Why do I cry all night?
Why can't I see any light?
Why is the pain intolerable?
Why is it so unbearable?

How could an Angel break my heart?
Couldn't she stop me from falling apart?
I wish I hadn’t wished so hard.
Maybe I wished our love apart.