Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obsession of the heart...

I stay awake through the long night,
Hoping that things will get right.
I suffer inside walls of fear and pain,
Not knowing if it is all in vain.

I sit up to the sound of pouring rain,
Feeling helpless and crying in pain.
Those memories of playing  in the rain,
Make me nostalgic and increase my pain.

I feel pain, I feel sorrow
Is there any happiness, I could borrow?
I think of you every waking hour,
Like a honeybee thinks about flower.

I dream about you, every time I sleep.
Desire for your company, lies very deep.
I've fallen in love, and there is no medication,
My love for you, has become an obsession.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Dancing Princess..

Far from the hustle and bustle of the city,
Lies this calm and serene place.
Crowned with aster and edelweiss,
And decorated by the chestnuts and chanticleers,
Lies this magnificent garden by the brook.
Butterflies race over the white and the blue,
squirrels dance around the tree trunks.
So very pure is the lively breeze,
It seems to be blessed by Aether's grace.
A sole silhouette moves in this place,
The silhouette of a young girl,
As she moves into the warm sunlight,
Her cherub like face shines like an Olympian God.
Across the hedge she dances, free of all worries,
Her spirit...never letting her dreams go,
The skies understand her hearts true calling
They tell her what to do, and she knows it too..
She just wants to  merge in with the beauty of this place,
A place where permission isn't needed to let her body go,
Where not just her silhouette is a dancer, but she is too.
somewhere she can be free, to do as she may please.
Freedom for more than just her heart, her soul and her silhouette,
she wants a shot at freedom, she wants a chance,
Freedom to live as she wishes, the freedom to dance...

Friday, May 6, 2011

The three on one battle..

"They say time is the best teacher. You never forget your lessons."
I, for one, choose to differ. I'd rather say "Life is the best teacher". Or even better, why not blame it on Fate. After all we all blame our miseries, our failures and our disappointments on either Time, Life or Fate. These hubristic villains mar our life with tragedy , misfortune and despair.

The most cruel of these taskmasters is Fate. He is an "acclaimed" sadist and a "renowned" misanthrope. Just when one begins to think that Life is fair and that Time is being good, Fate crawls surreptitiously behind you and the best-laid plans of mice and men often go astray. Fate has his own plans for each and every individual. You can hoodwink the sharpest of mortal men but you cannot deceive or defy Fate.

Life too has a dark sense of humour. You can spend a lifetime trying to understand the wicked and vicious ways of Life but you can never make head or tail of it. Life is not always fair. The book of Life has more irony than a Shakespeare play. Sometimes it's funny but sometimes the joke is on you. Life is simple, it's just not easy.

Men talk of killing Time, while Time quietly kills them. In reality, killing Time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which Time kills us. Time is the greatest and longest established schemer of all; his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mute. Time is the fire in which we burn.Time is the only thief we can't get justice against. Time makes fool of us again and again and laughs at his own joke.

Against such callous enemies one stands no chance of surviving. But there is one wise counselor who gives us the strength to endure all atrocities, withstand all ordeals and bear all pain. That wise counselor is Hope. It is a "three on one battle" with Hope on one side and Time, Fate and Life on the other.  And the battle continues.....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Boon in Disguise..

I tried to lock my feelings deep inside
The pain and anguish I attempted to hide
But a tormented heart is like art,
It's something with which you cannot part.

Misery and despair have consumed me,
Hope and happiness have abandoned me,
Fate seems to be laughing at me...
Smiling at the joke it has played on me

A wish,wished thousands of times,
that ended so abruptly,with lonely rhymes.
Failure is an experience,say men who are wise,
If it is true, then every failure is a "boon in disguise".