Tuesday, August 23, 2011

To cut a long story short.....

All "good stories" begin with "Once upon a time..............". The first impression that this simple phrase conveys to my mind is that the story is probably going to be a very long one. And if this particular phrase is followed by "It was a time when....." within a few lines I am of the opinion that it is going to be a story with very lengthy descriptions. But as they say when in doubt take the safest path. So here I begin my tale with the conventional :
"Once upon a time..." I was a kid. Everyone was a kid once. What I am trying to imply is that I was a kid at heart. Some may wonder what on earth do I mean by a kid at heart. There are so many kids who act as if they are 60 years old, kids who carry a look of an illustrious member of some wise council, and kids who have such a boring life that even Boredom gets bored staying with them. These are actually kids with an old heart. On the other hand we have enough examples of old people enjoying life as if they were a kid. Playing pranks, enjoying the small and silly things in life. These are old men with the heart of a kid. I must not get carried away and make this story long just as the first line suggests. So I'll continue with my story.
"It was a time when..." my heart was a kid!! It may even be a kid now but it lately it has caught the habit of throwing tantrums and being as unpredictable as a teenager. I was afraid my heart was growing up and would soon grow old. I was afraid that it would stop me from enjoying and appreciating the little things. I was afraid it would stop being silly! Little did I know that I was soon to be proven wrong.
Just when the cloud cover was darkest, a ray of sunshine broke through it. My heart did something so silly that I was convinced it would never grow up. It changed its allegiance. Instead of obeying me it became a mercenary and started beating for someone else. Every time that person was near it skipped a beat and danced about playfully, without considering for one moment how difficult it was getting for me. Some might say that this is not really silly at my heart's part. But others don't know my heart as well as I do. If you have ever taken a kid to a candy shop you would know how difficult it is to exercise control. The greedy kid keeps on changing his sweet demands every two seconds. One moment he wants the orange one and the next moment he wants the mango candy too!! The same goes for my heart as well. Always behaving like a kid, it kept changing its demands. Lately it had stopped asking me for any candy at all which was a reasonable reason to worry. But now that it has once again made a demand, a so unreasonable and silly demand which only a kid can make, I am convinced that it was only behaving itself to ask for the most expensive gift.
Now that it has been denied its request, it has again started acting silly. It makes me do things I used to do as a kid. here is how the list goes,
1) Locking some poor guy in the toilet 
2) Climbing on an escalator that is coming down  
3) Reading "Goosebumps" and "Noddy" 
4) Irritating people with stupid questions 
5) Making prank calls to unknown numbers 
6) Drawing horrible sketches of food items  
7) And singing publicly in my not so melodious voice. 
8) ************************ ****************:- things which I cannot mention on this blog :)
Now I wont stretch this any longer. But I feel the need of issuing a warning in public interest that makes them aware that a grown up boy with a loony heart may spoil their day.

PS: All good stories end with "And they lived happily ever after....". Couldn't squeeze it in the main body so excuse me for adding it in the post script.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Little Something....

Sometimes you hurt me,
Sometimes you make me cry,
Quite often you make me laugh.
Sometimes you tease me,
Sometimes you irritate me,
But much more often you bring a smile on me.
In times of pain and in times of pleasure,
You've been so invaluable, a real treasure.
I can't express how much I value you,
Hence this feeble attempt to praise you.

A small rhyme in honour of a person who has been a pillar of support. A small something for my lovely angel :)

 A chatter box with a naughty head,
A prankster many of us dread,
That is what you are my bubbly girl,
But still you are a very sweet girl,
An intelligent brain and a forgiving heart,
Make me admire you my dear sweetheart.
A charming smile on a cherubic face,
And a jolly gait so full of grace,
A silly song that tells a cheery tale,
That melodious voice like a nightingale,
The shining qualities that you possess,
Exhilarate me more than I profess.
A teddy bear that rests beside my pillow,
A cuckoo that sings seated on the willow,
A vanilla ice cream with lots of chocolate chips,
The little things that bring a smile on my lips,
I'll forfeit them all to be with you my dear,
                          Oh! I want you to be so much near..

PS: Anyone and everyone who reads this must comment and let me know their views :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Face

"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another."
William Shakespeare

I never agreed with Shakespeare more than I do now. God sculptured an "innocent face" for all homo sapiens. Just take a look at an infant's face and you'll know what I mean. The face of an infant is always innocent. That is because he trusts everyone and loves everyone. He is yet to come across deceit, hatred, jealousy , ego and the many other darker vices of life. As he grows older and learns from his experiences his face changes. 

I am not talking about the changes brought about by age. I am talking about the "quality" of the face. I described the infant's face as an "innocent one". Innocence is his quality. We humans have far more keener senses and sound instinct than most of us credit ourselves with. The moment we look someone in the face we form an opinion about the person in our subconscious. This opinion is free from any bias due to the person's attire or any knowledge about his history. I am not saying that Sherlock Holmes lies dormant inside all of us. We all know that looks can be deceptive. A murderer may have a cherub-like face and an altruist may have a very repulsive face. After all its what we do that defines us and not our face.

But the face is how we are known. Just look around yourself and you'll find a different quality in each face. An honest face, a dishonest face, a cruel face, an ancient face, an expressionless face, and so on. The look on the face also creates an impression. A smiling face, a sad face, a lonely face and face which give you a cold calculating look ( The one described in almost all thriller novels) Each face creates an impression in your mind. The real person may be much more different than that impression but you'll only find out when you interact. My point is what you are inside is reflected on your face. Some people hide it by wearing a mask. Whatever it is the face we see is not the one that God gave man, but what the man sculptured for himself by becoming what he is through his actions.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Friends for life.

I never got along well with her in the beginning and was mostly rude with her.But still owing to our mutual friends we were thrown together a lot. We were together at school and she seemed a serious, studious, and a boring person. We seldom talked, and sometimes our mutual friends had to act as messengers. It was funny that the more we tried to avoid each other the more we came across each other. As time passed we began to tolerate each other. The more I got to know her, I knew there was more than what meets the eye about this girl. And very slowly the seed of friendship was sown. We talked frequently, we shared our problems and sometimes even our dreams. I could never have predicted that we could become such good friends. We are there for each other when either of us is in trouble. She has so many layers, sometimes she is quiet and reserved but sometimes she is loquacious. Sometimes she'll do crazy stuff that'll make you laugh and you'll never know what to expect next. She has her own way of looking at things, which is sometimes too innocent and sweet. She is the most forgiving person I've ever known. But the most striking thing about her is her sense of independence. She is and will always remain a free bird soaring high in the skies.

Best Friends!!

Friends like you play pranks and have fun,
You can crack me up with laughter,
You can spring so many funny surprises,
When I am with you my spirit rises.
You always find a way to cheer me up,
With your silly jokes or grown up advice.
The very thought of you brightens up my day,
I realize how very fortunate I am to have you,