Sunday, March 25, 2012

You don't even know me..

There are so many things
Which you don't know.
All that you can see,
Is the careless look I show.

You only see the sarcasm,
And the happy-go-lucky attitude,
What you cannot see is,
The pain that marks my solitude,

You too believe the illusion,
Deceived by the joyful look,
You do not know the sorrow,
That is the story of my book.

You don't know that I am scared,
That I am haunted by my fears,
You cannot see past the facade,
You are unaware of my tears.

You think you can understand me,
You think you are my friend,
But you don't even know the beginning,
Forget about staying till the end.


 Happiness is an elusive treasure,
Hidden beneath a sea of tears,
It can be found within minutes,
Or elude you for many years.
Even when it is finally found,
It is not very easy to keep,
And once it is lost again,
You'll never be able to sleep.
Spending your time searching,
For the unattainable treasure,
Foregoing all sense of time,
And enduring pain beyond measure.
What you need to understand is,
That happiness is a state of mind,
It can be found in small things,
Happiness of a different kind...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I miss you..

You made me laugh,
You made me cry,
I cannot forget you,
Even if I try............

Every time I looked ,
At your innocent face,
My heart started singing,
And dancing with grace...

You were so loving,
You were so sweet,
Everyday I pray,
That somehow we meet....

Now that you are gone,
There is a hole in my heart,
I wish we were together,
And not so far apart..........

I want to meet you,
I want to talk to you,
I want to tell you,
That darling 'I miss you'!