Saturday, October 15, 2011

Deliverance Denied..

NOTE : "Deliverance Denied " is a continuation to a previous poem "Deliverance". I am writing this only because I feel almost as lost as I felt back then. This is the link to the previous post if you haven't read it:

Someone sitting up there,
Seems to have forgotten me,
All the lucky stars in the skies,
Seem to have forsaken me.

People who were friends once,
Have all become strangers,
Leaving me alone and helpless,
To face life's sharpened daggers.

Sometimes it feels as if,
I've lost my determination,
Traveling alone in the dark,
On the road to perdition

A part living deep inside me,
Which once was an optimist.
Has now abandoned hope,
And has turned a pessimist.

After such a long time,
I am still sitting at the fence,
Deprived of all hope,
Denied of my Deliverance.

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