Monday, November 14, 2011

Childhood Days

It was born from an egg so small,
That could have broken at a fall,
It slowly grows bright, dazzling wings
And among the flowers it swings,
So free is the spirit of the butterfly,
It makes me wish that I could fly.
When I was a child I too was free,
I could chase squirrels around the trees,
Although I had no wings and couldn't fly,
But I was still free like a butterfly.

Every time my eyes shed a tear,
My mother was there to wipe it clear,
My darling sister who is so dear,
She would always keep me very near.
Even when the distance seemed a mile,
My father would hold my hands and smile.
I remember all the good and happy times,
Spent with toys and nursery rhymes,
I will never forget that phase of life,
Childhood days are the best days of life.

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