Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Resolutions

"What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That's not been said a thousand times?"

An hour before midnight we lounge on the couch, distracted, tuning the best channels to watch New Year’s Eve fireworks, bursting with exuberance into the sky, circling the world. That exciting intangible something, witnessing global celebrations.
This is the illusion.

The ugly truth: We start our new years lazing on the couch, sending texts, watching stupid TV shows etc etc etc........ And some of us are so drunk that we don't even know when the clock struck 12.

Now just like every year I have a whole new set of resolutions. A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Still I have given the list a fair amount of thought (probably much more than it deserves).
So, here I go...

1) To tolerate fools more gladly (provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time.)
2) I resolve to stop complaining about everything. (unless something doesn't really piss me off)
3) Start smoking to lose weight (I am not fat!! Just a bit on the bulkier side)
4) No booze (in the afternoon)
5) No slang ( not unless its absolutely needed)


6) I promise to stick to these resolutions for more than a week :)



  1. Pathetic! Same old resolutions. No longer funny. And I bet you won't stick to even one for even 2 days.
