Sunday, June 6, 2021


An eerie silence has engulfed the city,
A shadow looms above us all,
The siren breaks the solemn silence,
Striking fear in hearts of all.

The moon hides behind the clouds,
The night is filed with gloom,
The garden is no longer colourful,
The flowers refuse to bloom.

Darkness is all that is left,
Not a glimmer of light,
Crushing the hopes of all,
Draining the will  to fight.

But not everything  is lost yet,
There is still some  hope,
Courageous  deeds of some ,
Teach us how to cope.

The sun will shine again,
The flowers will also bloom,
And bring  an end to this,
Era of darkness and gloom.

Pic courtesy: Akansha Saxena

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