Monday, June 13, 2011

The Search...

"A heart, ever searching, reaching, but never finding....
 A soul,  ever seeking, yearning, but never resting....
 A thought, ever striving, wanting, but never fulfilling...
 A life, ever planning, hopeful, but never complete........."

That heart, that soul, that thought and that life was mine before I met you. A hope to find you, an idea to fulfill my dream was what started the "Search". The search for someone who I could share my thoughts with, someone who could understand me even when I didn't express myself, someone with whom I could be myself. And then I found you, with wings sent from above, an angelic face among all mayhem. You taught me life's greatest lesson that true love is when two hearts merge and not just one heart giving away its love.

You changed my world with a blink of an eye,
That is something that I can not deny.
You just don't know what you have done for me,
You even pushed me to the best that I can be.

I know you don't feel the same way as I do, but I know my "Search" is over. I took me a long time to find you and I'm ready to wait if it takes a long time to be with you. I'll put my feelings for you in a rhyme.

My love is not written on sand,
for the waters to wash away.
It is written in my heart to stand,
all the difficulty that comes its way.

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