Sunday, July 31, 2011

My CRAZY Friend..

There is an idiot,
I love her most.
More than anything,
Even chicken roast.

She is such a jerk,
She'll scream at you,
But when you're in trouble,
She'll come to rescue you.

A dreadful singer,
But a wonderful friend.
She'll always be there for you,
Until the very end.

She'll get you food,
When you are hungry,
And snatch it from you,
To make you angry.

She is crazy,
But she is sweet,
She is deaf,
But she can tweet.

I really love her,
She is the best,
She is my best friend,
Even better than the best.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Idiot Box!!

Owing to the fact that I have nothing better to do I finally switched on the idiot box in hopes of becoming a couch potato. Alas I soon find my hopes dashed. It seems as if every channel is competing for the top spot in selling nonsense. Every time you turn on the TV, you have the following options :

a)Saas-bahu serials:- These story of the protagonists is almost always more tragic than Hamlet. They undergo several plastic surgeries, die a few times and miraculously comeback, suffer innumerable heartbreaks and have more troubling issues than the President of United states. Utter Bullshit!!

b)Comedy shows:-  2-3 judges who have individual distinct styles of laughing are the main attraction. The jokes are pathetic at their best and the so called funny acts will nauseate you.

c)Reality shows:- Cluster together a lot of nosy, mean and rude people and you get a reality show. Some shows are an eye-opener. They'll prove to you that your boyfriend/girlfriend is not faithful to you. The best of this lot are shows which involve a lot of so-called dangerous acts and stunts.

d)Talent shows:- These shows are a good place for the judges to show their talents and to bring a glimmer of hope to their dark career. Anyone who can shake his/her booty a bit is eligible to appear on a dance show. Even bathroom singers try their luck. No matter what these shows are full time entertainment package. You get to see a new face and a new talent everyday.

e)Talk shows:- Rendezvous with stars, their life story and their "personal" life always creates interest. Isn't it lovable watching some long forgotten movie star talking about his/her glorious career, or some former cricketer talking about his (pardon me there are very few well known female former cricketers) achievements.

f)News Channels:- Now these are my personal favourite. You get to see anything or everything that is unimportant shoved in your face by these channels sidelining the real news. You'll hear many controversy theories about how the world is going to end. News channels are a disgrace. One can get all the important news by glancing at the newspaper for just 5 minutes, whereas you have to wait patiently for the real news to come on news channels.

If I have missed out any category that is only because it is even worse than these and probably not even worth mentioning. The crux of the matter is even if you are unemployed and have nothing to do please refrain from switching on the TV. In my opinion TVs should be sold with a statutory warning "Watching TV is injurious to your mental health".

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Baby I'm addicted.......

One fine day, normal hour of the day. Usual people, plain conversation. Someone says something funny. Sometimes, people do. You want to laugh. So you throw your head back, and you LOL! No no. No no. You don't laugh out loud. You throw back your head and you say 'LOL!'
Now this may be exaggerating things a bit but surely social networking has become an addiction. Damn you, social networks and instant messaging! Instead of actually smiling, being angry, flashing out your tongue, everyone is happier with the instant smileys available online. Who would actually take the pain of moving your lips to smile!! The very thought of logging off a social networking site leaves you in a cold sweat.
I am a full time Facebook addict so I'll take an example of Facebook. Every time I log in it asks me "What's on your mind?". Why the hell should I tell you, you are just a stupid site not my shrink. Every week there is some new change in its look and you have to live with it. Take for instance the new FB chat. It sucks! Someone or the other keeps adding me in some shitty group and the kind of rubbish they talk on group chats. It infuriates me. Worse of all the FB addiction PJ's. Everyone keeps sending some stupid message about how some 90 year old lady updates about her death from her blackberry, or some other crap. Hell I am talking about PJ's and I can't tag my friend "Sanket Mishra" in this blog post. FB surely has that advantage over blogger. People tagging you in some so-called funny pic, some WTF pic, FB addiction report card, and in pics of all kinds of animals. Why FB can even predict who'll murder me and why!
I won't stretch my point any further.The point is I hate FB and the fact that I still can't get rid of it. It's omnipresent! Everyone is on FB even George Bush :) 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Where to draw the line?

In the first sweet sleep of night,
When the stars are shining bright.
When the winds are breathing low,
when the moon emits its glow,
I wake up from a scary dream,
Where I was lost in a stream,
Silently going down below,
Lost in a dark and empty hollow.
I rise like a lion after slumber,
Dancing to a fearless number,
I shake off the chains off me,
Which in my sleep had enslaved me.
I start working with a cheery song,
But I have a feeling its all wrong.
I know something is bothering me,
Even though its precluded by me.
I make a search for the brighter side.
Is it right to fear the unknown and hide?
I think about that dream of mine,
And I wonder "Where to draw the line"?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Confessions of a Bibliophile..

"A good book should leave you...slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it." -William Stryon

Have you ever smelled a book? A well aged one. Just like fine wine, the aroma gets better with time. Though the smell is just an extra perk, its not the reason you opened the book for. When you start reading a book you are transformed, you are in a new world. Every book takes you to a new horizon. You begin to see things differently. You see the sunrise and the sunset as never seen before. Sometimes you get wrapped in a blanket of love while sometimes you are scared to death for the protagonist.

You have the same feelings as Alice when she went down the rabbit hole. A world full of wonders. A dreamland! A place where you are small and can fly or a place where you are the giant. It may be a conference between world leaders, or it may be an adventurous quest for the Holy Grail. You feel the desperation, the pain, sorrow of the protagonist. You fall in love with the princess with the glass slipper. Or was it the lady in the green scarf. No matter who it was or what it was every time
you sit back in your chair and open another book you simply become addicted. You are oblivious to everything else going around you.
Words become the air you breathe, consuming, holding you tight in your thoughts.

Welcome to the world of Bibliophiles. Bibliophilia is the love of books and a bibliophile is an individual who loves books. The trouble with being a bibliophile is that once you come out of the world of books even real life seems dull at times. And you feel and urge to get back to your own world. Sometimes you feel there is a dearth of books. That is when the classic "Bibliophile Threat" is really carried out.

"If some one does not speedily indite
A volume that is worthy of my shelf,
I'll have to buy materials and write
A novel and some poetry myself. "
John Kendrick Bangs

Whatever one says or thinks about it once you have entered the world of books you are bound to be mesmerized by it, consumed in it, intoxicated by it to an extent that you are ready to ignore your "real life".

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Waiting for my angel...

Why do I read the same book again and again, listen to the same song again and again and watch the same movie number of times? There must be some reason behind this "apparent" monotonic monotonicity. The reason is that we can relate to it, connect to it in ways that only our subconscious mind is aware of.I realized this just now when I was again reading an extract from "DOCTORS" by Erich Segal. Many incoherent thoughts occupy my mind. There are so many things I want to do, so many things I want to read but why am I still stuck with this book that I've already read 5 times? Its confusing, at the same time its frustrating. I’m frustrated about being frustrated. I’m angry about being angry.I’m mad about being mad.I’m tired of being tired. I need somebody to accompany break my invade my share my thoughts.. to listen to speak to guide corroborate me..and to be there for me.Sometimes I think I am asking too much. Sometimes in life, its easier talking to a stranger.Maybe its just human nature to be loved and to love? But still everyone asks us to be wary of strangers. why are we estranged from strangers? Why do we search for known faces every place we go. Why do we want to live in the shadow of the past. I know there are few friends I would love to be with most of the time, but I need some time to be myself. I need someone apart from my friends. Someone who completes me. Someone gets the best out of me. I am no stranger to love, but I am still waiting for my angel. The angel who would drive the devil out of my mind.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Change..

He didn't know what he was doing there. He didn't remember how he had got there.He wanted to get out of here but couldn't find an exit. He was angry but there was no one he could take out his anger on. He was screaming but no one could hear him. He was trapped in that oddly shaped close room. When he no longer had the strength to continue shouting and screaming he got down on his knees. Slowly the anger subsided, and he started to look around and think. The room was filled with a lot of sheets of paper. He picked up one of them and started reading. The surprise was plainly visible on his face. He started picking up sheets after sheets and reading them frantically. There was a restlessness and urgency in his movements. And then he started cursing and swearing.
     The ringing of the alarm clock sounded like a knell. He woke up with a start. He realized that it was just a nightmare and was relieved. He clearly remembered what was written on those sheets. Each and every dream he had ever had, all his unfulfilled desires, all his failures were written on the sheets. He was feeling depressed. Why should he have such a dream? Why couldn't he have happy dreams instead of these nightmares. Then he remembered it hadn't always been the same. As a little boy he had happy dreams, dreams about a future where he'd be a successful person. Hadn't he always been excited to tell everyone about his dreams. Why had it all changed?
He thought about it for a while and then he concluded that it was because of his own mistakes. This ill temper he had,the way he couldn't handle his anger, the outlook he had on life had messed up his life. It had destroyed who he was inside and out.It had made him a wrong person and had caused only grief and sorrow to him and those around him. He remembered how often he had opportunities to make it count and how easily he had blown them all. How many times he had chances to redeem himself and every time he had messed it up. He felt a tinge of remorse but he couldn't change the past. He now understood the meaning of his dream. That oddly shaped room full of sheets was his personal hell, of his own making. He was trapped in his own mind. He knew there was only one way he could avoid it; by setting things right and getting rid of this anger. He made a promise to himself that he would change from hereafter. Change for the good...