Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Baby I'm addicted.......

One fine day, normal hour of the day. Usual people, plain conversation. Someone says something funny. Sometimes, people do. You want to laugh. So you throw your head back, and you LOL! No no. No no. You don't laugh out loud. You throw back your head and you say 'LOL!'
Now this may be exaggerating things a bit but surely social networking has become an addiction. Damn you, social networks and instant messaging! Instead of actually smiling, being angry, flashing out your tongue, everyone is happier with the instant smileys available online. Who would actually take the pain of moving your lips to smile!! The very thought of logging off a social networking site leaves you in a cold sweat.
I am a full time Facebook addict so I'll take an example of Facebook. Every time I log in it asks me "What's on your mind?". Why the hell should I tell you, you are just a stupid site not my shrink. Every week there is some new change in its look and you have to live with it. Take for instance the new FB chat. It sucks! Someone or the other keeps adding me in some shitty group and the kind of rubbish they talk on group chats. It infuriates me. Worse of all the FB addiction PJ's. Everyone keeps sending some stupid message about how some 90 year old lady updates about her death from her blackberry, or some other crap. Hell I am talking about PJ's and I can't tag my friend "Sanket Mishra" in this blog post. FB surely has that advantage over blogger. People tagging you in some so-called funny pic, some WTF pic, FB addiction report card, and in pics of all kinds of animals. Why FB can even predict who'll murder me and why!
I won't stretch my point any further.The point is I hate FB and the fact that I still can't get rid of it. It's omnipresent! Everyone is on FB even George Bush :) 

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