Owing to the fact that I have nothing better to do I finally switched on the idiot box in hopes of becoming a couch potato. Alas I soon find my hopes dashed. It seems as if every channel is competing for the top spot in selling nonsense. Every time you turn on the TV, you have the following options :
a)Saas-bahu serials:- These story of the protagonists is almost always more tragic than Hamlet. They undergo several plastic surgeries, die a few times and miraculously comeback, suffer innumerable heartbreaks and have more troubling issues than the President of United states. Utter Bullshit!!
b)Comedy shows:- 2-3 judges who have individual distinct styles of laughing are the main attraction. The jokes are pathetic at their best and the so called funny acts will nauseate you.
c)Reality shows:- Cluster together a lot of nosy, mean and rude people and you get a reality show. Some shows are an eye-opener. They'll prove to you that your boyfriend/girlfriend is not faithful to you. The best of this lot are shows which involve a lot of so-called dangerous acts and stunts.
d)Talent shows:- These shows are a good place for the judges to show their talents and to bring a glimmer of hope to their dark career. Anyone who can shake his/her booty a bit is eligible to appear on a dance show. Even bathroom singers try their luck. No matter what these shows are full time entertainment package. You get to see a new face and a new talent everyday.
e)Talk shows:- Rendezvous with stars, their life story and their "personal" life always creates interest. Isn't it lovable watching some long forgotten movie star talking about his/her glorious career, or some former cricketer talking about his (pardon me there are very few well known female former cricketers) achievements.
f)News Channels:- Now these are my personal favourite. You get to see anything or everything that is unimportant shoved in your face by these channels sidelining the real news. You'll hear many controversy theories about how the world is going to end. News channels are a disgrace. One can get all the important news by glancing at the newspaper for just 5 minutes, whereas you have to wait patiently for the real news to come on news channels.
If I have missed out any category that is only because it is even worse than these and probably not even worth mentioning. The crux of the matter is even if you are unemployed and have nothing to do please refrain from switching on the TV. In my opinion TVs should be sold with a statutory warning "Watching TV is injurious to your mental health".
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